Coming in 2025
Coming in 2025 A
documentary film about the life of Illinois native musician and
recording artist Eric Kinkel and current resident of Wauconda
along with his struggles to find his lost vocal cords damaged by
anomalous brain events doctors, hospitals and so-called
specialists have let him down and abandoned him disallowing him to live
a normal vocal communication life without the voice he was born with
leaving him unable to speak intelligibly and unable to sing as he once
did, all his life.
us through his journey taking you throughout
his life's accomplishments and subsequent harrowing experiences of losing his most prized
procession, his vocal cords, and his relentless search for the key to unlock his once gifted speaking and
singing voice.
The film follows his humble beginnings, through his childhood,
teens, and adult years of accomplishments and musicianship until the
gradual loss of his vocal cords left him impaired from communicating
normally and worse yet his singing voice.
The film is set to release this year on TV, and all social media
Stay tuned here for reoccurring
updates on the films content and release.

01/24/2025 07:19 PM
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*Additionally: This web site is a virtual window to the life of Eric
Kinkel, it reveals: non threatening, harmless personal content, images and editorial commentary often humorous in nature and never meant to cause harm to any corporation, LLC, group of persons, race, ethnicity or, any one individual. This site is specifically created and designed to
continually inform, update and occasionally be entertaining for those who have interest in
the many projects
initiated. Names of those
who have worked with Mr. Kinkel on projects,
professional or otherwise, may appear on this website.
This site also contains a variety of information
pertaining to an array of enterprising ventures,
tributes, concerts, philanthropic endeavors and personal
interest's. Since the launching of Eric Kinkel.com in
October, 2003 positive results have annually accumulated
high volume's of web traffic.
Critical commentary is welcome by e-mail.
Click here to send your message. |